Passionality Profiles
The Passionality Profiles are a series of first-person video interviews with historical interpretive staff at Jamestown Settlement and the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown. These employees describe how their “passion” for Virginia history inspires them at work.
Kristin Detwiler, a Jamestown Settlement historical interpreter, explains why she’s passionate about early 17th-century Virginia history.
Anastasia Triantafillos, a historical interpreter in the Powhatan Indian Village at Jamestown Settlement talks about using clay to engage visitors.
Pat Laccadito, a American Revolution Museum at Yorktown historical interpreter, explains why she’s passionate about planting seeds and helping visitors “grow” their knowledge of 18th-century life on a Virginia farm.
Fred Scholpp describes what motivates him after 25 years as a historical interpreter with the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation.
T.J. Savage, a American Revolution Museum at Yorktown historical interpreter, explains why he loves his job.